Dan, so glad we found your stack! Been neck deep in research about the colonial period and had come across some cryptic astrology references that your article just made sense of :)

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Oh great! I'd be keen to hear what you've come up with and how this helped!

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Whoow.........Love from brilliant research.

Thanks so very much.

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This is so helpful to think about, Im curious about the similarities between Hanseatic formation and the EU. Sounds similar no?

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Interesting comparison and one worth thinking about! I'm not sure to be honest. I can see some similarities, but at the same time the EU seems to be a lot more centralised than the Hanseatic League was. This article covers this subject: https://euobserver.com/opinion/143315

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"Try to imagine something like this—but in the age of Bitcoin, the web and the metaverse—and you might just be getting closer to the future of the state. " We are in overshoot where resources and energy is getting scarcer and technologies make this predicament worse. So no, the web (which is a plutonian thing) won't last past 2036 or so. For a better way to imagine the future, one could look at the new silk road being built by the BRICS member. Europe won't matter in the world as we are moving forward.

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Thanks for the comment. Why 2036? I have a video with SJ Anderson coming out today that will get into the BRICS.

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https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Twilight-of-Pluto/John-Michael-Greer/9781644113110 Pluto has been demoted in 2006 so according to Greer, its influence is drawing to an end by 2036... a saturnal cycle.

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Yeah, not sure about that one, honestly! I can't see the Internet going anywhere for a long time. There are countless non-planetary bodies we use in astrology that still "work" regardless of planet status.

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Interesting research, Thx Dan! Perhaps 'coincidentally', the two most current 'contested' regions, Ukraine and Taiwan, are due to the 'ambitions' (aka, claims of 'entitlement'), by Putin, w/ Sun and Moon both conjunct in Libra, and Xi Jinping, w/ Sun in Gemini trine Neptune in Libra. That's a lotta 'air'!

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